There are now several loan solutions available to help members improve their quality of life, grow their companies and industries, and educate themselves and their families. Loans are available to members for events, tours, etc.

Loans are subjected to the following conditions.

1. Loan Terms Subject to Change by Board of Directors

The Board of Directors retains the right, without prior notice, to change any condition specified below or to establish a new condition.

2. Residence Certification

Applicant should be a permanent resident in the territory of the society. A certificate issued by the Grama Niladhari & certified by the Divisional Secretariat, a photocopy of the National Identity Card, a photocopy of the deed of the house or land owned by the applicant, a photocopy of the bill for water supply can be produced to prove the residency. Marriage Certificate should be produced if the house belongs to the spouse. Birth Certificate should be produced if the house belong to parents.

3. Resides in a Different Location

If the applicant resides outside the territory of society, he or she should be able to produce evidence to prove that he or she has been engaged in a business or an industry within the territory for the past five years. Two permanent residents of the territory should agree to be guarantors.

4. Guarantor Requirement

The guarantor should be a permanent member who has purchased the number of required shares (50) as per the bylaws.

5. Age Requirement

Age should be between 18 and 60 years. Note: Loans cannot be issued to anyone other than a permanent member or the holder of a Suraliya, joint, or associate account. However, loans on fixed deposits can be issued to anyone older than 18 years of age.

6. Not Defaulted Other Loans

Should not have defaulted on loans or leases from another facilitator. Note: Members will be charged for the process of obtaining such information from CRIB.

7. Loan Obtained for legitimate Reason

Loans may be obtained for any legitimate, profitable business venture or legitimate need. Projects that are not environmentally sustainable will not be given loans.

8. Loan Eligibility Requirements

Depending on loan balances and the requested loan amount, the applicant must own shares and make required deposits.

9. Ability to Repay Loans

The income from the business or the wage should be enough to pay the payment.

10. Loan Approval Process for Applicants with Bad Credit

If the applicant has previously delayed the repayment of a loan, they must provide convincing justifications. In that instance, a fresh loan will only be approved following a careful investigation. In addition to personal guarantors, a security may be required.

11. Loan Guarantee Limits

Only Rs. 300,000 is the maximum loan amount that may be guaranteed by a person. Loans combined should not be for more than Rs. 300,000.

12. Overdraft Loan Eligibility Criteria

Anyone who has received a loan on either movable or immovable property will not be eligible for an overdraft loan. At the time of application, the applicant should let us know if they want the loan to be an overdraft.

13. Company Inspection Procedures

Inspections of company locations ought to be done whenever feasible without first notifying the applicant. Applicants should only be consulted when absolutely necessary.

14. Further Decisions

The Board of Directors' decision is final.

15. Appealing Loan Decisions

A member can make an appeal to the Board of Directors when a loan application is rejected or when the approved loan amount is lower than the amount applied.

16. Loan Write-Off Policy for Natural Disasters

The loan will cover by Insurance against damage from a natural disaster, the Board of Directors will choose, based on the committee's recommendation, which percentage of the loan amount will be written off.

17. Creditor Life Insurance

The loan sum will be covered by the insurance in the event of the creditor's natural death.

18. Who Can Issue Loan Applications

The authority to issue a loan application to a member who has satisfied the requisite fundamental conditions belongs to the branch manager or project officer. Such an application should bear the issuing officer's date and signature.

19. Factors Considered When Approving a Loan

The applicant's mental and physical health. knowledge and expertise the candidate has in the industry. Guarantors are informed about the used loan facility. background of the applicant's family and societal perceptions of them. market circumstances for the applicant's goods and services. additional sources of income, applicant's personal property, both mobile and immovable

20. Required Loan Documents

Within seven days, the applicant must turn in the loan application, promissory note, loan voucher, loan certificate, and fixed deposit certificate, all of which must be signed by the applicant if the loan is secured by a fixed deposit.